Organizations and Activities TJF Supports
Just One Donation to TJF Can Support All of the Following!
Jaffa Institute
The Jaffa Institute was established in 1982 by Dr. David Portowicz and Col. Ze'ev (Zonik) Shaham as a private, non-profit, multi-service social agency to assist the city of Jaffa’s severely disadvantaged children and their families. Our mission is to provide educational, nutritional, therapeutic, and social enrichment programs that assist children in developing positive attitudes and skills to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty in the impoverished communities of Jaffa, South Tel Aviv, and Bat Yam in Israel.

Big Bend
Jewish Social Club
The Big Bend Jewish Social Club (BBJSC) is a program sponsored by the Tallahassee Jewish Federation established to provide opportunities for senior members of the Jewish Community to meet in a social setting and enjoy each other’s company.
The BBJSC usually meets four times a year with a goal of providing various social, educational and cultural programs.
PJ Library
PJ Library is a Jewish Family Engagement program implemented on a local level throughout North America. We mail free, high-quality Jewish children’s literature and music to families across the continent on a monthly basis.
PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, made possible through partnerships with philanthropists and local Jewish organizations.

Dave Markell
Teen Philanthropy Initiative
This Tallahassee Jewish Federation program empowers local Jewish teens to become thoughtful grant-makers and to practice tikkun olam (repairing the world). Teens who participate learn how to run their own non-profit foundation, explore Jewish values and ideals, develop leadership skills, and practice informed and directed philanthropy.
Rhea Schwartz
Camp Shalom
Camp Shalom was created in 1996 by Rhea and Louis Schwartz, who envisioned having a Jewish day camp in Tallahassee. Rhea and Louis saw it as a way to get the area’s Jewish children from elementary through high school together to enrich their Jewish experience and identity.
Rhea Schwartz Camp Shalom is housed in a local temple. Children from the age of 5 to 11 enjoy a variety of activities each day. Children aged 12 and 13 go on daily field trips and engage in several service activities in the Tallahassee community.