We Stand With Israel -
Stand With Us
On October 7, 2023, on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah in Israel, at around 6:00am, hundreds of Hamas Palestinian terrorists infiltrated Israel from Gaza, by sea, air and land, tearing down border fences and entering Israeli towns in the region in vehicles and on foot. (See our News Blog for updates). For more resources click here. To see the ad TJF placed in the Tallahassee Democrat click here.
The Tallahassee Jewish Federation and all members of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) stand in total and complete solidarity with Israel. JFNA and local federations are working closely with our partners on the ground and have opened an emergency fund to support these efforts.
Click here to
donate now through TJF here.

2024 Honey from the Heart Fundraiser
Get your list together of your family, friends, business colleagues — anyone you’d love to wish a sweet New Year. Then click this link to the TJF Honey Store, in cooperation with ORT America, and have a delicious bottle of honey sent to them with greetings
just as the New Year arrives.
In the summer you can order by August 1st for FREE shipping.
After that date, shipping is only $8.00 per bottle.
Orders may be placed thru the start of the holiday.
Just in time for Rosh Hashanah, we will ship an 8 oz jar of
Kosher clover honey with a personalized card reading:
“Shana Tova – Wishing you a Healthy and
Happy New Year.” – signed with your name.
Cost is $14.00 per jar.
This fundraiser benefits local the Tallahassee Jewish Federation and
ORT America.
Order by August 1st for free shipping within the U.S.
Or $8.00 per jar up until the holidays arrive.
Ordering is quick and easy!
Go to the Tallahassee Jewish Federation ordering page www.honeyfromtheheart.org/tal
Or visit the Federation Facebook page.
Order through the August deadline for delivery by Rosh Hashanah.
Orders accepted throughout the High Holidays.
For more information or to request an order form, contact:
Melanie Annis – TJF Honey Store Coordinator, Tel: 850-688-3374

Donate Today to the 2024 Campaign
Help Us Soar
Use the secure PayPal button below to make a gift to the 2024 Annual Campaign.
If you wish to specify where your gift should be used, please send us an email by clicking here.
Special campaign donations will have individual donation buttons listed below our general fund.
You do not need a PayPal account. Once you designate your donation amount on the PayPal page,
click the “continue” link that appears just above the credit card logos

Make a Donation
Show Your Support
Live Generously --
It Does a World of Good

We are all one people
Our strength is amplified with collective action, and you can help make a difference with Tallahassee Jewish Federation right now! The support we receive is a huge driver of the good work we do in addressing some of society’s most challenging problems.
Get in touch today and join our community in making a lasting impact.
Partner with Us
Have an Impact

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Tallahassee Jewish Federation an even better Non-Profit Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
2024 Chanukah Fund Drive for Children in Israel

The Tallahassee Jewish Federation is once again soliciting contributions for the
2024 Chanukah Fund Drive to help needy children in Israel.
This year’s contributions will go to the Jaffa Institute. The Institute’s mission is to help impoverished children and youth realize their full potential through educational enrichment and many other programs.
Your donation has a huge impact. Thank you!
Please make your contribution online, using the link below. Or, if you wish you may send your donation designated for this purpose to the
Tallahassee Jewish Federation, P.O. Box 14825, Tallahassee, FL 32317-4825